Archive for category: Linguistics


Mencius uh um OK Moldbug you know


Dōgen and Ruben Adery are two distinctive but effective practitioners


Public intellectuals have to be able to speak English. But the more they’re revered, the worse their accents, diction, and prosody are. (Nº 1 with a bullet: ŽIŽEK!)


“Inspired by the poster who suggested calling margaritas ‘Margaritx’ ”


In the Times last June


I assembled a list of over a hundred neologisms that could be added to CP Caps and Spelling


HAL 9000’s accent was (neutral) Canadian


The American Dialect Society failed to even nominate fash for Political Word of the Year. (Antifa was in there)


At Naked Heart 2016, the overriding message from deaf writers was positivity. You’d think I’d know that by now

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