Archive for category: Linguistics


Pasta, Mazda, balcony, nirvana, alcove


Scots Gaelic should cease to exist because all its speakers are bilingual. Culturally genocidal? (Is the President black?)


A fair bit of swearing in the audio description of Wanted. Listen for yourself!


I eventually give up reviewing The Prodigal Tongue by Mark Abley


Jingoistic national stereotypes from Google


Or: @ 133† †00 ƒ@r?

New York state vanity licence plate on a Mercury SUV reads D3S1GN3R. Nearby, a green-white-red ITALIAN MUSCLE bumper sticker shows a shirtless bodybuilder in a hard hat

Note the bumper sticker damagingly applied to a painted surface. Ethnic stereotype?


Q&A with Katherine Barber and John Robert Colombo, mostly about Canadian English


Brave New Words: The Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction by Jeff Prucher. Where is the word fanboy?


A book by Toronto writers about Toronto architecture… written in British English and typeset in Helvetica Light

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None. I quit.

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