Archive for category: Books


The best parts of Reality Hunger are, paradoxically, the parts David Shields wrote himself


What’s worse: A publisher that fucks over authors or a journo who quotes an off-the-record source?


Call-centre operators, according to Erik Granered


Robert McCrum actually doesn’t talk about Canadian English in his new book Globish


American illustrator J.C. Leyendecker kept his lover Charles Beach a secret. What happened to Beach once Leyendecker died?


Because, according to his own accounting, he failed on most of the “innovations” on which this publishing imprint was founded


Not only is Graphic Design, Referenced disorganized, it’s barely written in English sometimes. (But love the hand-sketched illos)


Gary Indiana: ‘The horror vacui sensibility of the rich is a form of voodoo against the inevitable’


Some guy sold a book by querying an agent, and that guy’s friend treated it as news. And that sums up the future of publishing right there

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