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Lydia Perović (no relation) interviews Russell Smith, and gets everything wrong that could be gotten wrong, from facts to copy to mondegreens to ‘apostrophes and ‘quotation marks’


Dogpoet’s deathwish: Now directed at somebody else


“Typography doesn’t exist, it isn’t important, and I’m really good at it anyway”


“Same-sex couples earn significantly more money than their straight counterparts,” writes John “Not Hob” Koblin in the Times.

No, they do not


Vegan weight training? Mark Rippetoe: “I can’t deal with your eating disorder. It’s not my job to deal with your eating disorder. And it’s an eating disorder. That’s all it is”


Snowpiercer is a totalizing visual obsession with returning one’s gaze to the symmetrical features of, the gleaming blue eyes of, every bristle of hair on Chris Evans, a timeless Hollywood masculine archetype


Ask John August: When reality does not fit Syd Field’s three-act structure, reality doesn’t get made into a movie


Ms Kyle Kirkup lied about Stonewall at Torontoist, whose co-editor-in-chief and de facto publisher backed him to the hilt


Transgenders, least of all Ray “Sylvia” Rivera, did not lead Stonewall

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