Your search results
- All your Mechagodzilla are belong to us (2006.08.27)
‘Analyse’! ‘Metre’!
- Words/Lettering in/on/& Buildings/Architecture (2006.08.25)
Three old books on the topic of words on buildings: Lettering in Architecture, Words & Buildings: The Art and Practice of Public Lettering, and the real gem, Lettering on Buildings
- Organizing our marvellous neighbours (2006.08.22)
Why does the CBC use British English to write its captioning?
- ‘Sisters’ (2006.08.15)
‘A sister was a pal in whom there could never be any further sexual interest, even if the initial meeting had occurred through cruising’
- CBC Blogging Manifesto (2006.08.13)
CBC wouldn’t write a blogging policy, so its bloggers had to do it themselves
- Golden Nugget (2006.08.13)
In which we explore the writings of the (formerly mysterious) heterosexualist CBC captioner–blogger, “Nugget” (sic)
- Lives, plural (2006.08.13)
“Of course people would always read things (captions, E-mails), but would they want to read long imaginative or confessional works written by writers in the past, even the recent past?”
- In which I set the agenda (2006.08.07)
If CBC doesn’t blog about captioning, then I will. And that means I set the agenda
- Reasons to care (2006.07.30)
Why, exactly, I give a shit about CBC captioning (something given a more colourful name by the Tea Makers)