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Mr. SICHA believes a demand for deference is a bit too much


Mauricio A. Rodriguez has a unique skill in assembling half-nude collages


Walking briskly past genderqueer and/or Mohammedan projects, I located one student with ideas and talent: Jess Tat


Rubber and gunge: Externalization of the sexual self an infinitesimal distance from the epidermis


You can’t even explain to a Windows user what a text file is, let alone what line endings are. 33 years later, Microsoft fixed Notepad to display line endings correctly


For the love of God, yes, you can begin a sentence with a number


Ostracism is indistinguishable from an actual knife in the back. Cretins like those I tackle here can’t even man up and talk to me face-to-face. Meanwhile, Karl Groves continues to get away with murder


The Jason Kottke caste has a sunk cost in pretending I wasn’t as much of a pioneer as they were, and that I simply do not exist


Edgar Murillo is a deaf gay artiste from Spain with colour sense that goes beyond innate to primal

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None. I quit.

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