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HAL 9000’s accent was (neutral) Canadian


Ukraine has “nobody to discriminate against,” except of course its Gypsies, Jews, and homosexuals


After the manner of B‑Links, I decided to assemble my notes from Instapaper (updated)


Neil Tennant of the Pet Shop Boys (1987)


Old posting from Happy Magic Fun Time that needs not to be lost to the mists


Being anonymous and populated mostly by eldergays, more postings at DataLounge are actually honest than one might expect


Lifters and other strong men with poor mental health need a confident space where they can work out


Veteran Cardhouse watches Twitch when he’s sick


Vox Day (no relation) knows nothing about legible typography, as his new comic Quantum Mortis proves. (Even the title is impossible to get right)

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None. I quit.

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