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There are other face-recognition systems, even on telephones, but Face ID on the iPhone X will be the gold standard to beat. Hence it becomes an amusing parlour game to imagine ways to defeat this still-unreleased technology [update with how stupid I feel about this entire post]


To promote the Trough and TroughX gay parties, creative director Nik Dimopoulos pioneers his own style: Realist Absurdity™


Transgender activists, stopping at nothing, show up, uninvited as ever and certainly not blending in with the crowd, to bitch about “cis” actors in “trans” roles. How would we apply that to McDonaldland?


“[S]he ends up on the run with gay actor who becomes like the action star he plays in the films”


Eric Kandel brilliantly explains how we see first, then perceive texture second. This explains why I like a lot of things I like, but nobody’s really taking me up on that knowledge, are they, now


Gavin McInnes talking with Chadwick Moore about tranny cruises (excerpt)


Conservatives, trafficking as they do in formless eternal truths, cannot even comprehend the idea of communicating visually. (Except when they can.) Now with 2025 update


I found seemingly the only homophobic young right-wing assholes in Toronto, now with almost 4,400 total YouTube views


A Victorian novel about a poor sissy who doesn’t even have the Internet in the 21st century does what, and exists why, though?

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