Your search results
- Best headshot ever (2017.03.15)
Here, Mister James Is Alive (from Wales) effortlessly hoists his bf unit
- How to pronounce “antifa” (2017.02.24)
Pronunciations are converging on [ˌænˈtiːfʌ]
- Finally: A hate crime that progressives can get behind (2017.02.16)
Thank Goddess that Canada had a right-wing-extremist mass murder of Muslims so that progressives’ and academics’ decades-long insistence of the danger of right-wing extremists could finally be vindicated. And! Announcing Right-Wing Assholes in Canada: A research project
- Runic “type” as pagan dogwhistle (2016.12.30)
Is runic “type” a dogwhistle just for pagans, or for white-supremacist pagans? (The former)
- All the White people in Tim McCaskell’s book (2016.12.21)
Tim McCaskell’s memoir proves white gay men and lesbians built gay Toronto
- “Do sport” (2016.12.09)
Xavier Dolan: “‘Oh, my God, I want you to do sport on me”
- Ahead of the curve on ARC and Evalion (2016.11.28)
Anti-Racist Collective shitcans self, and I told you so! about Canada’s littlest Nazi Evalion (née Veronica Bouchard)
- Confidential to anti-racist activists: Purple hair gets you laughed at (2016.11.18)
Stop doing what is known not to work and do something else, like sending in your biggest, strongest guys to talk to right-wing assholes
- ‘True Homosexual Experiences’ (2016.11.15)
The long-awaited biography of hermit pornographer Boyd McDonald of Straight to Hell includes one gem after another