Your search results
- Blog shitcans self (2010.12.20)
Diane Wild can’t take the abuse she gets about one TV show, so she’s packing in coverage of that show. Additional news: Not everyone associated with Canadian television is a cunty, vindictive careerist
- What men are good for (2010.12.20)
Sacrificing themselves, according to one critic
- How should museums display architecture? (2010.12.20)
Not the way Harbourfront is doing, apparently
- The story J‑Source wouldn’t run (2010.12.20)
J-Source commissioned a story on gay money, then ignored my ass. So here it is!
- ‘Yahoo is a company that…’ (2010.12.17)
Mark Norman Francis wrote an excoriating sequence of Twits about Yahoo, preserved for posterity here
- Freako covers fago (2010.12.17)
Freakonomics actually covers my work on gay money. Funny how no one else in the mainstream press, including gay papers, has
- Hacks & Hackers Toronto II (2010.12.16)
At the second Hacks & Hackers event, only two of the demos were journalistic. And why are we still doing demos?
- Magazine editor thinks like magazine editor (2010.12.09)
Virginia Heffernan gets set straight by Graydon Carter. Oh, and the Ontario government flew her up here to give us advice last summer
- ‘Mad Men Unbuttoned’: Sometimes blogs should stay blogs (2010.12.08)
Natasha Vargas-Cooper’s Mad Men Unbuttoned worked better as postings on the Awl