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Diane Wild can’t take the abuse she gets about one TV show, so she’s packing in coverage of that show. Additional news: Not everyone associated with Canadian television is a cunty, vindictive careerist


Sacrificing themselves, according to one critic


Not the way Harbourfront is doing, apparently


J-Source commissioned a story on gay money, then ignored my ass. So here it is!


Mark Norman Francis wrote an excoriating sequence of Twits about Yahoo, preserved for posterity here


Freakonomics actually covers my work on gay money. Funny how no one else in the mainstream press, including gay papers, has


At the second Hacks & Hackers event, only two of the demos were journalistic. And why are we still doing demos?


Virginia Heffernan gets set straight by Graydon Carter. Oh, and the Ontario government flew her up here to give us advice last summer


Natasha Vargas-Cooper’s Mad Men Unbuttoned worked better as postings on the Awl

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