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What Levitt and Dubner write in Freakonomics about child restraints just is not accurate or specific enough


Gerry Leonidas (airily): “To paraphrase Goudy, the problem is not… that the old-timers stole all the best ideas, but that the old ideas are in danger of being rediscovered from scratch”


Xtra finally experiences a hot-beef-injection-like influx of italics


Not only is Graphic Design, Referenced disorganized, it’s barely written in English sometimes. (But love the hand-sketched illos)


While I’m waiting for tens of thousands of dollars in a copyright-infringement settlement (now delayed), I’m pitching again for contributions to The Cranky Copyright Book. But there’s a payoff: The book is going to be published


Scott Schuman takes a delightful fashion photograph of two ladies whose progeny may take over Sweden


Some guy sold a book by querying an agent, and that guy’s friend treated it as news. And that sums up the future of publishing right there


John Hilton III wrote an article claiming Creative Commons makes more derivative works possible. And on that score, he is quite wrong


Did you know that projections show whites will be the minority in Toronto in 2036? Well, only if you’re a racist, or the Toronto Star

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