Your search results
- Adam Giambrone’s micromanagement (2010.02.07)
It turns out that Adam Giambrone and the Toronto Transit Commission do more than set “policy.” They buy individual sheets of paper and specify what your shoes will touch at Union station
- ‘Eye’ visits Berlin, unnoticed (2010.02.05)
Eye’s “Berlin special” is more like a series of blog posts, which, oddly, they also published
- Shorter Denis McGrath (2010.02.01)
‘See, I’m a TV writer. I love the medium. It means I have a TV sensibility. And I will not apologize for that’
- Ink-stained wretches (2010.01.23)
What happened at Ink Canada’s Band Practice
- Designers as functional illiterates (2010.01.22)
Natalia Ilyin: ‘The reason that designers have only a feeble grip on that chair at the table is not because design is not respected, it is because most designers cannot write’
- ‘[E]very book that is being published now depends on something that is in Twitter’ (2010.01.22)
Mike Shatzkin is the latest to opine on the future of the book. And guess what: Everything that works for O’Reilly naturally will not work for you
- Republic of Description (2010.01.20)
The Trailer Park Boys did their own captioning. Now they work for Republic of Doyle. And then there’s the description track
- The Michael Surtees Coding Horror Marathon continues (2010.01.19)
Another ill-coded Web site from the loveliest Web designer with the worst coding chops, Michael Surtees
- Jonathan Ive: Print the legend (2010.01.18)
Jonathan Ive drives a DB7, not a Rolls or Bentley. But how might he defend his choice of the latter?