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Everything from E-commerce to a study of the Downtown Relief Line has been “deferred” from the TTC budget


Who knows less about computers – Joe Jervis or Rex Wockner?


Doesn’t Ryerson Journalism hire from its own Family Compact of people it already knows and likes?


Because DesignNotes.info has them. (Isn’t the type on your Web page like Trajan’s Column?)


Because Joe·My·God has them


Steven Holcomb had no trouble driving a bobsleigh while half-blind. So what’s everybody else’s problem?


What Anderson Cooper gets with his boyfriend Ben Maisani: A whole greater than the sum of its parts


According to attested statements on gay “dating” sites, in fact Jan Moir got one thing quite right in her article on Stephen Gately


Ignite Toronto is making the same mistakes in its second outing it did in its first. Also: Why can’t computers read the Goof sign?

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