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Useful snippets from The Law of Libel and Slander in Canada by Jeremy S. Williams


Universal design or inclusive design just means design for certain disabled people. And now OCA is hiring two people to perpetuate this myth


TTC “Special Constables” have demonstrably not been “educating” the public about new fines for infractions


Touring the tower at the fire academy with the last ginger fireman


At the What’s Next for News presentation, I dared to claim Canada is a sovereign nation


The real problem is hostility to design


Manzine is now on its second issue


Excitable city councillor Howard Moscoe goes a bit overboard complaining about Microsoft Word’s anglicisms


When you name your book Graphic Design Theory: Readings from the Field, isn’t that conceding defeat right there? (Is “the field” really where you’re gonna find “theory”?)

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