Author archive
- Antitechnological (2018.06.25)
Technology will collapse distance and even time, but the gap between you and your clothing was uncollapsible yea unto the Middle Ages and will stay that way. As evidence: K’s shearling overcoat in Blade Runner
- Until Were Safe (sic) (2018.06.15)
Pride Toronto’s
(sic) isn’t interested in documenting violence. This wholly-owned subsidiary of Black Lives Matter wants to portray Toronto as a cesspool of racism, of which transphobia and homophobia (in that order) are mere subsets. The facts tend to differ
- “Deadcocking” (2018.06.15)
As opposed to deadnaming
- Females at Animal Justice gala (2018.06.15)
At the Animal Justice gala, females outnumbered males 117 to 80
- Continued Greatest Hits of DataLounge (2018.06.08)
“[I]f the ACT UP/AIDS activism of the 1980s/early ’90s hadn’t been so meticulously documented, we would now be hearing how it was trans people who were solely responsible for that as well”
- ‘CP Caps and Spelling’ (2018.06.08)
I assembled a list of over a hundred neologisms that could be added to CP Caps and Spelling
- The three rules of Gays Going Their Own Way (2018.06.01)
Originated by Prince of Queens on YouTube, Gays Going Their Own Way or GGTOW is a small anti-feminist movement
- Friendly giant remains a winner (2018.05.28)
Polski-Kanadski bobsledder Mr. ALEX KOPACZ is really swell
- Worst conservative design (2018.05.28)
I pin a superspecial Cross of Iron to the baby-blue and magenta polyester lapel of Æsthetica Europa