Author archive


Tom Phinney is the Font Detective


Ostracism is indistinguishable from an actual knife in the back. Cretins like those I tackle here can’t even man up and talk to me face-to-face. Meanwhile, Karl Groves continues to get away with murder


The Jason Kottke caste has a sunk cost in pretending I wasn’t as much of a pioneer as they were, and that I simply do not exist


I still read Speedbird (“bitterness or resentment”)


Edgar Murillo is a deaf gay artiste from Spain with colour sense that goes beyond innate to primal


A Ford Excape commercial pairs a brown-eyed ginger with (inevitably) an Orientalist female. Gingers have a hard enough time reproducing as it is


HAL 9000’s accent was (neutral) Canadian


Ian Capstick and Fredrik de Boer are two hacks undergoing mental-health crises. They will be extended warm support and understanding because they are, first of all, handsome or adorable and, more importantly, ultra-left-wing. Meanwhile, conservatives and uggos who dare to admit to any form of illness are treated as prey by the Left


Ukraine has “nobody to discriminate against,” except of course its Gypsies, Jews, and homosexuals

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None. I quit.

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