Author archive
- Font Detective (2018.04.28)
Tom Phinney is the Font Detective
- No bad deed goes punished in the accessibility business (2018.04.22)
Ostracism is indistinguishable from an actual knife in the back. Cretins like those I tackle here can’t even man up and talk to me face-to-face. Meanwhile, Karl Groves continues to get away with murder
- Ungrateful unacknowledgement from Kottke (2018.04.22)
The Jason Kottke caste has a sunk cost in pretending I wasn’t as much of a pioneer as they were, and that I simply do not exist
- Here’s to you, Speedbird (2018.04.22)
I still read Speedbird (“bitterness or resentment”)
- Colour sense: You’ve got it or you don’t (2018.04.21)
Edgar Murillo is a deaf gay artiste from Spain with colour sense that goes beyond innate to primal
- Diversity taken a step too far (2018.04.15)
A Ford Excape commercial pairs a brown-eyed ginger with (inevitably) an Orientalist female. Gingers have a hard enough time reproducing as it is
- Canadian English accent (from nowhere) (2018.04.01)
HAL 9000’s accent was (neutral) Canadian
- Politics and mental health (2018.04.01)
Ian Capstick and Fredrik de Boer are two hacks undergoing mental-health crises. They will be extended warm support and understanding because they are, first of all, handsome or adorable and, more importantly, ultra-left-wing. Meanwhile, conservatives and uggos who dare to admit to any form of illness are treated as prey by the Left
- “Nobody to discriminate against” (2018.03.22)
Ukraine has “nobody to discriminate against,” except of course its Gypsies, Jews, and homosexuals