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Veteran Cardhouse watches Twitch when he’s sick


Alex Kopacz, non-grumpy Kanadski bobsledder


Vox Day (no relation) knows nothing about legible typography, as his new comic Quantum Mortis proves. (Even the title is impossible to get right)


The American Dialect Society failed to even nominate fash for Political Word of the Year. (Antifa was in there)


Who the hell wants to sit fixedly in a chair watching a visually uninteresting YouTube video when you can just listen to it while on the go? A lot of lectures and interviews have no useful visual component, and you really can just listen to them and miss almost nothing


From the right-wing-asshole side, a couple of examples. From antifa: ∅


Perhaps non-religious male vegans have an inbuilt predisposition to it, such predisposition being strong enough to overpower the two-steaks-a-day stereotype of the “strengthlifter”


Skye Joseph Bartlett (and Neil Z. Page)


At Naked Heart 2016, the overriding message from deaf writers was positivity. You’d think I’d know that by now

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