Archive for category: Follow-ups
Follow-ups from previouse posts
- Gene Dermody on BMOCs redux (2017.11.29)
Gene Dermody, living legend of homosexualist sports: “The average and less gifted are left behind, and they are the ones who need more diverse athletic programs the most”
- How to innovate in male nudes (yet again) (2017.09.08)
As seemingly ever, keeping the model’s clothes on is what works
- Madonna “thinks with her body” (2017.03.10)
Something resembling a citation to my assertion that Camille Paglia said Madonna “thinks with her body”
- Ahead of the curve on ARC and Evalion (2016.11.28)
Anti-Racist Collective shitcans self, and I told you so! about Canada’s littlest Nazi Evalion (née Veronica Bouchard)
- Fuck Yeah, Martin Freeman (2016.05.01)
Fuck-Yeah Tumblères really are the happiest blogs on the Web, verily unto Fuck Yeah, Martin Freeman
- How to innovate in male nudes (again) (2016.05.01)
Fer77 in Spain manages to make bears look fantastical
- Braithwaite (2016.04.27)
No one is going to write a Kathy Acker–manquée biography of Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite
- The Art of Manliness: “Stronger, faster, harder to kill” (2016.02.18)
The Art of Manliness’ Brett McKay: “During a single weekend I shot pistols, did land navigation, butchered a rabbit and a chicken, and was taught how to fight by Tim Kennedy. It was awesome.” I think not
- What used to be Toronto’s gay community centre squawks: Your questions are “transphobic”! (2016.02.18)
What happens when you ask what used to be Toronto’s gay community centre a few questions? You get labelled transphobic