Archive for category: Follow-ups

Follow-ups from previouse posts


Gene Dermody, living legend of homosexualist sports: “The average and less gifted are left behind, and they are the ones who need more diverse athletic programs the most”


As seemingly ever, keeping the model’s clothes on is what works


Something resembling a citation to my assertion that Camille Paglia said Madonna “thinks with her body”


Anti-Racist Collective shitcans self, and I told you so! about Canada’s littlest Nazi Evalion (née Veronica Bouchard)


Fuck-Yeah Tumblères really are the happiest blogs on the Web, verily unto Fuck Yeah, Martin Freeman


Fer77 in Spain manages to make bears look fantastical


No one is going to write a Kathy Acker–manquée biography of Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite


The Art of Manliness’ Brett McKay: “During a single weekend I shot pistols, did land navigation, butchered a rabbit and a chicken, and was taught how to fight by Tim Kennedy. It was awesome.” I think not


What happens when you ask what used to be Toronto’s gay community centre a few questions? You get labelled transphobic

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None. I quit.

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