Archive for category: Friends


Bullish, on-message technology podcasts that treat people like the latest gadget defeat the purpose of inviting peole onto the show in the first place. Tech podcasts are a mutual admiration society I consider harmful


Imagine Adam Greenfield happy again


Brad Graham was found dead at his house yesterday. He was a mere 41


Notes from a memorial celebration for Sid Adilman, 68, held 2006.11.12 in Toronto. (“Sid loved a public inquiry”)


Studies and observations about undead narcissists everyware


How much is your blog losing your business each year? Try six figures


What happens when Noel D. Jackson swings through town? First of all, it rains


Photos from luncheon with the fired captioners of WGBH


This just in: Matt Müllenweg does better at 22 than I did at 22

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None. I quit.

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