Archive for category: Inversion
- Peachman (2016.05.03)
Adam Rankin’s Peachman photography series: “I am built for football, but I’ve never played it”
- Fuck Yeah, Martin Freeman (2016.05.01)
Fuck-Yeah Tumblères really are the happiest blogs on the Web, verily unto Fuck Yeah, Martin Freeman
- Alboism (2016.05.01)
Mike Albo: ‘I am trying to feel things in my body, which is hard to do. When someone says something like “Where do you feel that?” or “What does that feel like?” I have a really hard time answering’
- How to innovate in male nudes (again) (2016.05.01)
Fer77 in Spain manages to make bears look fantastical
- Braithwaite (2016.04.27)
No one is going to write a Kathy Acker–manquée biography of Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite
- Un-‘Frank’ed (2016.04.10)
Too hot for Frank! Or so I like to tell myself
- The Art of Manliness: “Stronger, faster, harder to kill” (2016.02.18)
The Art of Manliness’ Brett McKay: “During a single weekend I shot pistols, did land navigation, butchered a rabbit and a chicken, and was taught how to fight by Tim Kennedy. It was awesome.” I think not
- Daddyhunt’s own goals (2016.02.08)
Daddyhunt publishes a “Web serial” starring an eldergay and a breeder. But what happens after this fantasy daddy/son relationship matures a few years?
- Hero worship (2016.01.22)
Is The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq about kidnapping, literature, bodybuilding, boxing, fighting, or hero worship?