Archive for category: Inversion
- Quentin Crisp’s happiest moment (2018.08.16)
Compare The Naked Civil Servant with Steven Tilotta’s pups
- Evolution of homosexualist lock screens (2018.08.11)
These are our personal phones, and we can put whatever we want on them, including beautiful male illustration(s)
- Sobering DataLounge reminiscences (2018.08.06)
Seemingly large numbers of eldergays grew up poor and deprived
- Essential manly attribute: Width (2018.07.27)
Re-posting a photo by Bullneck
- Son of Continued Greatest Hits of DataLounge (2018.07.23)
Desecrating the rainbow flag; “helping our cause where it’s needed the most”
- “How dare some Polish-American make a movie with more showing than telling in it?” (2018.07.14)
J. Krasinski
- Until Were Safe (sic) (2018.06.15)
Pride Toronto’s
(sic) isn’t interested in documenting violence. This wholly-owned subsidiary of Black Lives Matter wants to portray Toronto as a cesspool of racism, of which transphobia and homophobia (in that order) are mere subsets. The facts tend to differ
- Continued Greatest Hits of DataLounge (2018.06.08)
“[I]f the ACT UP/AIDS activism of the 1980s/early ’90s hadn’t been so meticulously documented, we would now be hearing how it was trans people who were solely responsible for that as well”
- The three rules of Gays Going Their Own Way (2018.06.01)
Originated by Prince of Queens on YouTube, Gays Going Their Own Way or GGTOW is a small anti-feminist movement