Archive for category: Magazines


Will Carson be laid out in Quark or in PageMaker?


Virginia Heffernan gets set straight by Graydon Carter. Oh, and the Ontario government flew her up here to give us advice last summer


New York outdoes itself in fucked-up “print-friendly” pages


A solicited proposal for a column on E-book production in Quill & Quire. Now, what do you think happened to it?


Autobiographical details Gary Shteyngart wove into his zippy, juicy profile of M.I.A.


Is Toronto Life really an unkillable institution? Are we on the verge of finding out?


The magazine may have jumped the shark, but I thought highly enough of Fantastic Man to have submitted several solicited article pitches


The Wired app is a stag’s head hung over a mantelpiece, a pitiful reminder of a formerly living thing


Xtra finally experiences a hot-beef-injection-like influx of italics

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None. I quit.

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