Archive for category: The print medium
- Speaking at BookCamp 2010 on Saturday (2010.05.13)
Scott Boms and I are talking about design and typography of E-books at BookCamp 2010.
- Why Bob Miller left HarperStudio (2010.05.12)
Because, according to his own accounting, he failed on most of the “innovations” on which this publishing imprint was founded
- Thu, Mar 25 on Church St, hell froze over (2010.03.28)
Xtra finally experiences a hot-beef-injection-like influx of italics
- Graphic design, mishmashed (2010.03.18)
Not only is Graphic Design, Referenced disorganized, it’s barely written in English sometimes. (But love the hand-sketched illos)
- ‘The horror vacui sensibility of the rich’ (2010.03.15)
Gary Indiana: ‘The horror vacui sensibility of the rich is a form of voodoo against the inevitable’
- ‘Typical teens, Stockholm’ (2010.03.14)
Scott Schuman takes a delightful fashion photograph of two ladies whose progeny may take over Sweden
- ‘How to Find an Agent for Your Nonfiction Book’ (sic) (2010.03.12)
Some guy sold a book by querying an agent, and that guy’s friend treated it as news. And that sums up the future of publishing right there
- ‘Web Standards for E-Books’ (2010.03.09)
My new article on the use of ePub (hence XHTML) in electronic books is now out at A List Apart
- Agent: Undeliverable (2010.02.09)
What happens when one tries every trick in the book to actually sign an agent’s contract