Archive for category: TTC
- Final data on TTC Web bidders (2008.06.20)
Who were the principals behind the TTC bid firms?
Oh: And whom was I in bed with?
- TTC Web evaluations (2008.06.17)
TTC’s internal calculations ranking bidders on its Web redesign. Fascinating (and updated with actually correct numbers)
- How much did companies bid on the TTC Web contract? (2008.05.05)
I have completed my first round of research into the TTC Web-site contract. The easiest thing to report is the bid totals
- What’s happening with Devlin and the TTC contract? (2008.03.13)
Some questions I posed (without response)
- Why Devlin won the TTC contract (2008.02.28)
Because they were the only qualified bidder.
- TTC Type & Tile Triumph (2007.10.28)
The first TTC Type & Tile Tour was a roaring success (50 people!)
- Handicapping the TTC Web ‘proponents’ (2007.10.20)
- TTC design charrette (2007.09.27)
A charrette to redesign subway-station entrances, for free, for a billion-dollar corporation. Why?
- 14(2A): Inscribed in the living tile (2007.09.02)
14 Days to ATypI: TTC: Inscribed in the living tile