Archive for category: Unicode
- Tom Scocca, stopped clock (2012.04.19)
Tom Scocca got it half right in lambasting Microsoft Word. Now we need to get him set up on BBEdit
- Borked Unicode: Tips for journalists on writing clean copy (2011.11.15)
Months in the making, today I’m releasing Borked Unicode, a pop-up blog that aims to teach hacks (i.e., journalists) the minimum they need to know about Unicode. The goal is to make it possible for hacks to write clean copy.
- Unichar (2011.07.10)
Rate Unicode characters in a Hot or Not?–style interface.
- Don’t let Swedes typeset your book cover (2011.07.01)
Because »they’ll use the wrong quotation marks«
- Reverse Lion (2011.06.09)
OS X 10.7 will work in Arabic. This may not go well
- Michael Kaplan, cheap-shot artist (2011.05.04)
Michael Kaplan of (significantly) Microsoft takes time out of his busy day to bash Apple in an otherwise-unrelated post
- ‘Why can’t computers read the Goof sign?’ (2011.02.09)
Come out to my Ignite Toronto presentation, 2011.02.10 at the Drake. (Keyword: Mongolian cheesemonger). (Updated)
- Possibly not the best way to discuss ‘plain text’ (2010.11.10)
David Pogue’s mishmash of ASCII and em dashes
- Character rot (2008.08.10)
Somebody tell Russell Smith how to Save As… in MS Word