Archive for category: Updated

Updated posts


Brian Pronger died on October 2018


Notes from the Vegan Lifter Project (e.g., nobody was gay)


Is it possible to dress oneself from head to toe for a full week in apparel made only in the U.S. or Canada?


A “meme” weaponizes queer/LGBT+ failure against success


Very advanced, very tuned-in people learn about, and learn how to use, new Apple features by watching them being demonstrated onstage during Apple keynote events. Then there’s everybody else


My iPhone setup (sidebar)


500 years from now, the Chinese will be able to say with a straight face that Djibouti was always Chinese. Four centuries before that, queer and trans* will have entirely rewritten (this means lied about) gay and lesbian history


Oliver Sacks on the case notes he wrote about nearly every patient


Starting with his mother’s charm bracelet

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None. I quit.

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