Archive for category: Updated

Updated posts


Originated by Prince of Queens on YouTube, Gays Going Their Own Way or GGTOW is a small anti-feminist movement


Prince of Queens and the Gaytriarchy “podcast,” which isn’t that


Charlie don’t surf and antifa ain’t funny (e.g. “So before you decide to drown a perfectly good bowl of vanilla ice cream in hot fudge, you might want to spare a thought for those rainbow sprinkles”)


A Ford Excape commercial pairs a brown-eyed ginger with (inevitably) an Orientalist female. Gingers have a hard enough time reproducing as it is


After the manner of B‑Links, I decided to assemble my notes from Instapaper (updated)


Vox Day (no relation) knows nothing about legible typography, as his new comic Quantum Mortis proves. (Even the title is impossible to get right)


Who the hell wants to sit fixedly in a chair watching a visually uninteresting YouTube video when you can just listen to it while on the go? A lot of lectures and interviews have no useful visual component, and you really can just listen to them and miss almost nothing


Perhaps non-religious male vegans have an inbuilt predisposition to it, such predisposition being strong enough to overpower the two-steaks-a-day stereotype of the “strengthlifter”


Billy Hayes’ Insomniac City: New York, Oliver, and Me; Douglas Thomas’ Never Use Futura

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None. I quit.

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