Archive for category: Web & infrastructure


The social-justice warrior’s cries of sexism do not justify worsening actual health or threatening human life


“I make a good living,” John Gruber says. Yes – half a million a year, I estimate


Twitter isn’t journalism. Take heed, near-defamer Karen 8 K. Ho. (January 2015: Now with belated response from her)


“E-mail is still the best thing on the Internet” if you’re using Eudora and you aren’t top-posting. In other words, it isn’t


soc.motss was not ever an “LGBTQ Internet space,” David Auerbach


Baldur Bjarnasson: “Blog readers are the worst kind of reader in the world. They arrive eager to misunderstand and ready to be angry with you”


Frank is back, as “a glorified blog”


Seth Finkelstein shuts down his Weblog forever


Nine degrees of Marissa Mayer (for “whimsy”)

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None. I quit.

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