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What happens when you ask a relay operator about relay scams?


Hawk Kinkaid, alias Hawk Luitjens, alias Shane Luitjens


Still lots of bugs in Opera for Macintosh


B-links, January 30


Canadian English terminology, courtesy Katherine Barber of the OED


The ClearType Font Collection is the sort of Microsoft product Apple *should* license for Macs


‘Fair dealing’ for Webloggers


In the immortal words of my esteemed colleague upon laying eyes on these, “That’s some weird-looking shit.” Note also that Spanish CH · ch and LL · ll are nowhere to be found. Unicode Components ‼ !! ⁇ ?? ⁈ ?! ⁉ !? ⁂ *** … … IJ   ij IJ   ij Ľ   ľ L’   l’ […]


Scraping through hundreds of Mozilla saved states

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None. I quit.

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