Your search results
- ‘The Prodigal Tongue’ (2008.07.13)
I eventually give up reviewing The Prodigal Tongue by Mark Abley
- A maladaptive-free zone (2008.07.12)
At the fireman competition, you won’t hear a single assibilated S. Isn’t it great?
- Further in Saville hagiography (2008.07.01)
Peter Saville: “I saw the Roxy covers as an exercise in communication through styling”
- What the hell is wrong with Google? (2008.06.28)
Jingoistic national stereotypes from Google
- TypeCon: Learning from mistakes? (2008.06.28)
TypeCon organizer GRRLZ: Did they realize the errors of their ways or are they just hypocrites?
- Hockey Rights in Canada (2008.06.23)
Do you want to enter the CBC’s contest for a new “hockey anthem”? Did you read the fine print in the rules? Well, I did
- What, if anything, did ‘Lola’ teach us? (2008.06.22)
I came across a cache of old Lolas
- Final data on TTC Web bidders (2008.06.20)
Who were the principals behind the TTC bid firms?
Oh: And whom was I in bed with?
- What it is ‘like to always be right’ (2008.06.18)
Memo to Ryan Bigge: (cunt)