Archive for category: Design

Design other than graphic design


“Futuristic” clothing, like heroin, is so passé


Technology will collapse distance and even time, but the gap between you and your clothing was uncollapsible yea unto the Middle Ages and will stay that way. As evidence: K’s shearling overcoat in Blade Runner


I pin a superspecial Cross of Iron to the baby-blue and magenta polyester lapel of Æsthetica Europa


Microsoft PS/2 mouse with teal left button, magenta right button, and magenta swirl on teal background on mouse body


Toyota Supra: Sometimes decoration is a great idea, sometimes more is more, sometimes what you need is tacky


Conservatives, trafficking as they do in formless eternal truths, cannot even comprehend the idea of communicating visually. (Except when they can.) Now with 2025 update


A 22-year-old made his own airbag-equipped waterproof jacket from scratch. Bronson Rabishaw, ladies and gentlemen


The kid hosts of Thought Process get their asses handed to them by Richard Saul Wurman. (Not the actual title of the show)


From numerous sources, names of many of Apple’s allegedly-19-strong team of designers

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None. I quit.

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