Archive for category: Follow-ups
Follow-ups from previouse posts
- Beach BIA banner (2006.09.29)
Yeah, so this is the kind of pole banner the street-furniture committee didn’t know about.
It also represents the chosen typography of the Beach BIA (né Beaches BIA), Dax. Certainly such typography is not trendy and will in no way clash with existing and future streetsigns and street furniture.
And by the way, why not Barmeno instead?
- All your Mechagodzilla are belong to us (2006.08.27)
‘Analyse’! ‘Metre’!
- Golden Nugget (2006.08.13)
In which we explore the writings of the (formerly mysterious) heterosexualist CBC captioner–blogger, “Nugget” (sic)
- Reasons to care (2006.07.30)
Why, exactly, I give a shit about CBC captioning (something given a more colourful name by the Tea Makers)
- Qualitative vs. quantitative (2006.07.09)
Ideas for measuring accessibility
- CBC Watch, as it were (2006.07.04)
Now I’m publishing all my documentation of CBC captioning errors and omissions
- The freakonomics of audio description (2006.07.02)
Like captioning, audio description is a field where numbers don’t tell you anything of much use
- De facto exoneration for Robert Manne (2006.06.22)
Richard Edelman responds to my litany of complaints about his petit fonctionnaire Robert Manne and Mesh Conference
- How not to attain 100% captioning (DVD version) (2006.06.02)
A proposed settlement to a lawsuit claiming that DVDs marked as captioned did not actually contain captioned bonus materials is a bad deal and should be opposed. Here’s why