Archive for category: Graphic design
- OCAD grad show 2010 (2010.05.27)
Graduating graphic-design students at the Ontario College of Art (“& Design”) Escaped from Flatland
- Stoked on Mandeville (2010.05.20)
I’m the guy who really likes the new London 2010 mascots, Mandeville and Wenlock. Yes, I’m the one!
- Leyendecker’s lover (2010.05.14)
American illustrator J.C. Leyendecker kept his lover Charles Beach a secret. What happened to Beach once Leyendecker died?
- Web design vs. print design (2010.05.05)
Nobody has managed to come up with a Web-native method of doing graphic design for news
- Thu, Mar 25 on Church St, hell froze over (2010.03.28)
Xtra finally experiences a hot-beef-injection-like influx of italics
- Graphic design, mishmashed (2010.03.18)
Not only is Graphic Design, Referenced disorganized, it’s barely written in English sometimes. (But love the hand-sketched illos)
- ‘Eye’ visits Berlin, unnoticed (2010.02.05)
Eye’s “Berlin special” is more like a series of blog posts, which, oddly, they also published
- Designers as functional illiterates (2010.01.22)
Natalia Ilyin: ‘The reason that designers have only a feeble grip on that chair at the table is not because design is not respected, it is because most designers cannot write’
- Shitty design attracts shitty content (2009.12.29)
David Galbraith: Facebook is “similar to Vimeo [in that] the beauty of the application has influenced the content”