Archive for category: Signs
- 18 years to replace the dot matrix (2007.12.20)
If we’re given 18 years to replace dot-matrix signs on transportation vehicles, should we even bother?
- TTC Type & Tile Triumph 2 (2007.11.05)
26 people came out for the second TTC Type & Tile Tour
- TTC Type & Tile Triumph (2007.10.28)
The first TTC Type & Tile Tour was a roaring success (50 people!)
- Tiresïsm (2007.10.25)
Would you like negative sharp or positive blurry?
- ‘Inscribed in the Living Tile’ (2007.09.16)
Yes, my book-chapter-length treatise on TTC signage is finally done
- Phil Baines: ‘From the Motor Car Act to motorways’ (2007.09.15)
Presentation by Phil Baines on, inevitably, motorway signs
- Save TTC signs (2007.07.03)
Just what it says: Stop the bastards from pulling down and shredding irreplaceable old signs
- And these are the people telling you where the fire exit is (2007.04.11)
This is what happens when the Society for Environmental Graphic Design renegs on an agreement: I blow the whistle
- A Month of Subways (2007.03.31)
All through April 2007 on my Flickr, I’ll be posting one photo per day of signage from the TTC that is ‘interesting’ in some way, usually because it’s awful