Archive for category: ‘Eye’ magazine

Taking ‘Eye’ magazine to task, one issue at a time, since nobody else is


Eye’s lead writer “interviews” its editor for the blog of a rival publication


Winter 2010 and Spring 2011. Did you know Ontario Hydro was “state-owned”?


The best design magazine ever continues its decline


Eye’s “Berlin special” is more like a series of blog posts, which, oddly, they also published


Only Eye would publish a cultural interpretation of modern typography in which the only font identified by name isn’t even used in any of the samples


All Bantjes all the time!


Who’s the latest victim of Eye’s critical condescension? Hint: Think Cherry Blossom


You spent $34 per issue. I just borrowed them from the library. What’s in ’em?


Yes, that’s what the editor of Eye really says

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None. I quit.

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