Archive for category: Inversion


A “Tom’s Man” is not a straight, a transgender, a female, or, in all likelihood, an epicene Gaysian. We know that because Touko Laaksonen drew them for us


Mauricio A. Rodriguez has a unique skill in assembling half-nude collages


Rubber and gunge: Externalization of the sexual self an infinitesimal distance from the epidermis


Prince of Queens and the Gaytriarchy “podcast,” which isn’t that


Edgar Murillo is a deaf gay artiste from Spain with colour sense that goes beyond innate to primal


Ian Capstick and Fredrik de Boer are two hacks undergoing mental-health crises. They will be extended warm support and understanding because they are, first of all, handsome or adorable and, more importantly, ultra-left-wing. Meanwhile, conservatives and uggos who dare to admit to any form of illness are treated as prey by the Left


Ukraine has “nobody to discriminate against,” except of course its Gypsies, Jews, and homosexuals


Being anonymous and populated mostly by eldergays, more postings at DataLounge are actually honest than one might expect


Skye Joseph Bartlett (and Neil Z. Page)

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None. I quit.

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