Archive for category: Follow-ups

Follow-ups from previouse posts


If you want to keep track on what right-wing assholes are doing, you ignore podcasts at your peril. Then again, progressive journalists find the whole thing too triggering


White nationalist Richard Spencer gave us the most white supremacist sentence of the 21st century, und so weiter


Otōto no otto, Eastern Boys, and Patrik, Age 1.5: Gays who never expected to be dads


King of Macintosh journalists John Gruber, like his fellow-traveller male technology hacks, has much to answer for after they spent years hushing up the fact Tim Cook is gay


From numerous sources, names of many of Apple’s allegedly-19-strong team of designers


“Twitter essays” are a failure, but let’s not tell Jeet Heer that


Jason Snell grew and learned from his mistakes in covering gay CEO Tim Cook


Of course we were right to report that Tim Cook is gay. To complain about defence of the closet, though, elicited “Fuck off” from Glenn Fleishman


“I make a good living,” John Gruber says. Yes – half a million a year, I estimate

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