Archive for category: Inversion
- Prince of Queens died (2019.12.22)
The founder and host of the YouTube livestreams known as the Gaytriarchy, Sam, died; I have archived most of his audio [updated]
- “her bosom overflowing her peasant bodice” (sic) (2019.09.29)
C. Paglia: “a merry beer-hall maid, her bosom overflowing her peasant bodice and each hand effortlessly hefting three foaming beer steins – quite a feat!”
- “On the Jeffrey Dahmer spectrum” (2019.09.13)
Bronze Age Pervert has a “podcast”
- Your Funny Uncle’s lacquered snuffbox of further wisdom from DataLounge (2019.08.27)
Further pearls of wisdom from DataLounge
- “Alt-right riot” (sic) (2019.07.16)
Leo Herrera, creator of the Fathers project that imagines a world where AIDS never existed, is an intentionally marginal queer from a kit
- “The happiest place on earth” (2019.06.04)
Here we have the happiest homosexualist photograph of the year, which I could also restate as the photograph with the happiest homosexualists of the year
- Consensus gay culture yields consensus gays (2019.05.10)
Consensus gay culture is an actual monoculture that actually steamrolls over national, local, and personal ethnies, languages, cultures, and specificities
- Consensus gay culture is the real cultural imperialism (2019.02.11)
Consensus gay culture involves armies of aggressive, violent, habitually lying non-Whites habitually lying about Whites, who built the gay and lesbian community and foolishly didn’t just stop there. What we have now is already the worst instantiation of consensus gay culture that ever existed and it’s gonna get unimaginably worse
- Musclegays sure love their tempeh and broccoli (2019.02.04)
Musclegays (as on Instagram) poison the well with their narcissism and just are not a joy to look at