One of the many things screwed up by the organizers of ATypI Brighton 2007 was the recording of sessions. We were sent elaborate permission slips to sign – a bad idea, as it gives people an idea they previously didn’t have, that they could say no. Of course I said yes.

We showed up and found that the TypeTech pre-conference wasn’t to be recorded at all. The only recordings for ATypI per se took place in the main auditorium (site of much discomfort and unpleasantness – pitch black and every single thing rattled or thumped when touched). Those recordings happened solely because Kaveh Bazargan took it upon himself to make them. (He sat in the back tethered to his MacBook, in turn tethered to video and projector feeds. And nobody named Tiffany told him he was too loud!)

A complete failure by ATypI, which is still living in a century in which recordings of conferences were difficult and extraordinary (and charged for, like Objectivist rantings). Don’t try to tell me that St. Petersburg is going to do a better job with venue or organization.

Some videos are now posted. This could be an all-new justifiable example of pop-up windows: My presentation on TTC typography is more of a screencast. It’s all done with SMIL, so, incredibly enough, I might actually get around to transcribing and captioning it.

Now: How many outright errors did I utter? I know of at least three.

The foregoing posting appeared on Joe Clark’s personal Weblog on 2007.11.01 14:47. This presentation was designed for printing and omits components that make sense only onscreen. (If you are seeing this on a screen, then the page stylesheet was not loaded or not loaded properly.) The permanent link is:

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None. I quit.

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