- Pride Toronto complaint against Black Lives Matter Toronto (2016.08.12)
I filed a complaint against Black Lives Matter Toronto under Pride Toronto’s Dispute Resolution Process
- Black Lives Matter vs. Pride Toronto (2016.07.15)
I’m maintaining an archive of important documents in the fight between Black Lives Matter and Pride Toronto
- List of participants in 2012 Toronto Pride Parade (2012.06.04)
Since Pride Toronto is too computer-illiterate to present an alphabetized list in HTML I did it for them: Alphabetical list of organizations intending to participate in the 2012 Toronto Pride parade
- Pride CAP report copy-edits up (2011.05.18)
Pride Community Advisory Panel copy-edits are now up for viewing by anyone (and for comment by a few).
- End separatism at Pride Toronto (2011.01.16)
Pride Toronto sponsors a real march for everybody, but also sponsors Dyke and Trans Marches. And they hire male and female co-chairs. This has got to stop, and I provide legal and ethical reasons why
- Homosexualist Pride surprises (2006.06.26)
Namely: Out homosexualist fireman and ginger engineer