Archive for category: Captioning


It’s Arial! Arial! Everywhere! in Steve Galluccio’s homage to disco Montreal, Funkytown


Full truth: The Onion News Network’s Future: News from the Year 2137 still has no fucking captions


The Trailer Park Boys did their own captioning. Now they work for Republic of Doyle. And then there’s the description track


Solving the four-fifths of the problem you think is the entire problem means you haven’t solved the problem


A bit more error correction for Textfiles


Every six months, somebody writes a new story about captioning that gets a dozen facts wrong


Google has some great new ideas for online captioning formats! The quality will surely be at least as good as YouTube’s!


My new article is up at A List Apart. And listen to me kick ass at the CRTC tomorrow


Three-quarters of deaf people don’t have caption decoders? What?

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None. I quit.

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