Archive for September 2004
- Slip (2004.09.29)
Text on Things: Slip
- Courtesy card (2004.09.29)
Text on Things: Courtesy card
- Jar (2004.09.22)
Text on Things: Jar
- Start Ro! (2004.09.21)
- Gerrard Scare (2004.09.21)
Anomalous, unnoticed, post-industrial, lonely, and beautiful curved stairway connecting Gerrard Square (“Gerrard Scare”; “Jurassic Square”) to the foot of Pape Ave.
- Which kind of credit? (2004.09.21)
Cash your paycheque with the loansharks so you can pay tuition?
- John 8:15? (2004.09.21)
- Lice service (2004.09.21)
In law enforcement, every letter counts.
- Transfer (2004.09.16)
Text on Things: Transfer