Archive for category: Accessibility


Nearly two decades into its existence, Twitter does not and did not need an accessibility “team,” which was shitcanned by Elon Musk basically before he sat down for coffee. And rightly so


After 35 years (and true of basically everything in which I take an interest), how I tire of repeating myself. Another rich software startup is about to blow it vis-à-vis accessibility. This time it’s Arc (some kind of browser), and if they do anything about accessibility it will involve not hiring me


Make Accessibility Great Again


Robert Shaw, a wheelchair user, is suing Apple Canada in Ontario for an inaccessible work environment. I have these court documents and you don’t. I went and got them and you didn’t. I did research and published this article based on that research, and you did neither


Ostracism is indistinguishable from an actual knife in the back. Cretins like those I tackle here can’t even man up and talk to me face-to-face. Meanwhile, Karl Groves continues to get away with murder


There are other face-recognition systems, even on telephones, but Face ID on the iPhone X will be the gold standard to beat. Hence it becomes an amusing parlour game to imagine ways to defeat this still-unreleased technology [update with how stupid I feel about this entire post]


“Matt, fuck off”


Yes, and, if you go back far enough, I am one of the indirect reasons why


Ryerson architecture prof George Kapelos failed to teach his students that woonerfs are lethally dangerous to blind people

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None. I quit.

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